Thursday, May 13, 2010

6:00 AM

I have to get up and be exercising by 6:00 am during the weeks. I don't particularly like to get up that early. I'm not so good at it either, but here is what happens if I don't:
That would be an entire box of baking soda as well as the remainder of our steak seasoning...some salt and pepper and whatever else he could dump out...on the counter and in the drawer....while I was on the treadmill. This is what happens if I don't get up early and try to exercise while he is awake.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Princess of the Parade

workin' the crowd!

So this past Saturday, Kenzie was in a parade with her dance class. She was so cute, or so I hear. Jaxon and I had to miss the parade for a freezing cold soccer game. Anyway...cute little ballerina.