Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Jayden is now missing a few teeth...and he had some help getting them out!  Payton and I had a dentist appointment last week 10 minutes before Jayden gets out of school.  I called around and couldn't get a hold of anyone to pick him up from school, so I just decided to check him out a few minutes early.  (It's kindergarten, what is he gonna miss in 10 minutes?) I made him come to the dentist with us and he sat and watched movies while Payt and I got out teeth clean.  As she was cleaning my teeth, the hygienist started checking my gums and cheeks for sores.  I asked her what she was doing and she explained.  I started to describe to her EXACTLY what she was looking for.  So she asked me if I had had one.  I told her that I had a son who had this random sore on his mouth that had been there for a long time.  She asked if he was there and I told her he was in the waiting room.  She said, "I think we have a few minutes, we're gonna want to see him."  About 20 minutes later, this was him:
 a little gas with a "puppy dog nose"
 two teeth less...I thought this picture was funny because his lip was all swollen and then they put cotton rolls to absorb the blood and they looked like really big buck teeth!
 recovering at home
 fat lip
 eating noodles through his new hole!
 He already had a loose tooth and it decided to come out later that night.  (With a little help)

 All three teeth, lost in ONE day!  I thought it was interesting that the teeth the dentist pulled still had the roots.
 all ready for the tooth fairy