Monday, April 2, 2007

Our past week!

Hello everyone out there in internet world! Sorry that it has been so long since i've blogged. I've been pretty lazy this last week! Futsal has been keeping me busy! (basically it's indoor's the Relief Society "league"--and i use that term very loosely!) I've been coaching the young women and then playing two games myself every week. The adult team practices tuesdays at nine pm and the girls practice on wednesday afternoons. The girls play thursdays at either five or six, the adults play at 7 and 8. I am having so much fun. I've got a huge bruise on my calf from one of the girls...she kicked me there two weeks in a row! Chris and the kids came and watched me last week. I scored a couple goals in each game then they stuck me in the net and I was there forever...I am just loving it and getting to know more women in town. I've met a few women that I'm really enjoying getting to know better. We all have a good time! Besides that and running around with the kids, not too much is new. I've taken up walking that may or may not turn into running in the mornings. This morning I saw parts of Richmond I've never seen before. I go by myself, but I don't go too early plus it's's pretty safe! This morning I was up in the eastern part of town, up by the mountains...quite a view! It's so much nicer to be exercising outside instead of in the basement on the Gazelle. I don't know that I'm losing much, but I feel GREAT!
Chris is still busy with both work and our side business. He's loving that its warm enough to drive his boat. He's contemplating getting a pirate ship (RC of course).
Jaxon and Mykenzie are doing well too. Like I said before, Jayden has started crawling. He is getting quicker every day...i gotta remember to put the gate up.
We had a good weekend up in Idaho Falls with the family. I appreciate Carrie and Mark hosting us. We had fun hanging out with everyone...we liked Micah...he's a nice guy. I think he might have been a little intimidated, but he held his own pretty well. It's been a while since we've seen Tanner, so it was good to see him too. Thanks again to Jamie for volunteering to jump in the water and salvage the boat.
anyway...this is getting longer than anything I would read...I will try to do better at keeping the blog updated!
PS how do you post a video?


Jim and Lisa said...

I'll send you what Cris sent me...if I can find it!

CMHill said...

Great posts. You'll have to tell me how to make the pictures smaller so I can post them quickly, like you guys did.