Thursday, March 6, 2008

It's A....

Heartbeat!!!! I went to the doctor's yesterday for the first visit. I am 12 weeks and now 2 days along...that's about 5 days away from the end of the first trimester!
The doctor did an ultrasound to determine the due date and check on the health of the baby. He said everything looked great...strong and healthy!!! YAY!
He moved my due date to September 16...we just hope we can keep the baby in until 36 weeks!
Sorry to disappoint you, Carrie...just one.


Anonymous said...


Karen said...
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Karen said...

congrats nikki and chris! That is so exciting. Maybe your mom and dad should move here Nikki since it looks like most of the family is out this way now! Cool!

CMHill said...

Darn, but Oh do I have a story for you! But really I am very excited for you guys. Well I'm glad the baby is healthy and her heart is beating! 3 cousins around the same age!!! Congrats.

The Tanner Thompsons said...


Lisa Michelle said...

Congrats! September is a GREAT month to be born!

Renee said...

baby's cute!!!

so to delete those virus comments click on the trash can right underneath the comment. pretty basic but any questions you know how to find me...

ellen said...


Swoopref said...

Congrats! (Yes, great month... Conor is 9-9)

Nikki said...

sorry to disappoint the septembers, but the chances of me actually having the baby in september are really slim to none! we're planning more around the middle to end of august!

jksfam said...

August 16th is good, too!

Sweeney Household said...

I'm just catching up on your blog & excited to discover that you are expecting! I think I knew.... Anyway, Aug. is a good month (my birthday) so he/she can come early. Oh, and I'm impressed with your long list of books. You are quite the reader. :)