While I was working on the yard and kind of sort of neglecting my family...Mykenzie learned to ride a bike. Jaxon and I decided it was time for her to take the plunge when we just couldn't stand the sound of those training wheels on the way to school lunch. Oh, they were SO loud and annoying...and Mykenzie does NOT ride slow! So one evening while chris was mowing the lawn I took the training wheels off. I kind of explained how to ride a two wheeler to her (at least as best you can explain that to a 4 year old) then I held on for about 30 seconds while she was riding and then let go. I did that one more time and then that was all it took! Seriously, it took one more quick conversation about how to get started and then she was off. She can cruise everywhere!
Yeah! Go Mykenzie!!
Ditto that - I still remember holding the handlebars and running behind the car to convince everyone I could ride a bike before Cris!
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