Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Mom and Dad's Visit

Jaxon has been begging and begging for us to take him on a hike. So while mom and dad were here (with Laree and Betsy) we went on a little hike. We had a lot of fun, but we learned quickly that what Jaxon defines as a hike is really rock climbing!

YEAH! Baby!

Jaxon complaining that he wants to go on a HIKE (in the middle of the hike)

we LOVE best-y

he tried to runaway and got caught

her antler

I love dad's head poking up over the rock

After the hike we went to see payton


Lisa Michelle said...

These pics are so great - I'm still not through kicking myself for not getting ANY pics while your parents were here. Argh. What was I thinking?? Love the Yeah Baby pic, btw. :)

ellen said...

Sweet photos of Payton! He's got a lot of hair!

The Tanner Thompsons said...

i'm glad my legs made it into about 75% of the pictures.... real cute!

laree ulynn said...

That's because you kept walking into them while I was taking the pictures Betsy.