Friday, January 16, 2009

Making Dinner

So we had pizza the other night for dinner. I hate to let the kids help with dinner. I know that is the worst thing ever, but it is such a pain in the behind. By the time they are done, the kitchen is a HUGE mess and dinner is less than I hoped. I rarely let them help me with anything in the kitchen...sad I know. I'm a bad mom, I know, but I HAVE TO CLEAN IT UP! and they pick at my creations. They eat the dough...jayden eats the flour (I so wish I was kidding...bread dough too...nasty!) So me letting mykenzie help with dinner is a BIG DEAL...a giant deal, actually. She got all the extra pieces of pizza dough and rolled them all out. I gave her free reign . She rolled her dough out into some sort of odd shaped oval. Then put sauce on it (after which Jayden tried to roll it out again...will my rolling pin ever be the same again?) and then a few pieces of cheese. (I'm not sure what she was going for with only a few pieces, but...)

By the time it came out of the oven, it was a little charred and no one wanted to eat it and the kitchen was indeed a HUGE mess. But she had fun.

and it was fun to watch her


jksfam said...

I'm a bad mom in that way, too! So frustrating. I really need to teach them, though!!!

Anonymous said...

But, look how well you turned out, Squeak!