Friday, March 13, 2009

Kindergarten and Useful Knick-knacks

Watch out Park she comes :) officially TODAY!
My sister-in-law gave me this way cool thing the other day. She watched me struggle to keep the foil on the crust while I was baking a pie on Friday night. A few days later she presented me with this:
a pie crust shield. just put it over the pie and NO MORE FOIL! Happy Day for me. (I LOVE to have an excuse to make Micah's sister's pie recipe!) LOVE IT! part about this... check out the brand...yep, that does indeed say Mrs. Anderson's!


Anonymous said...

The brand name was the first thing I saw! What's the recipe and is it a Lillrose recipe you're going to share?!

ellen said...

Two questions:

Did she start kindergarten today?
And when are you going to share the pie recipe?!

CMHill said...

yeah kenzie!

jksfam said...

So funny that it's Mrs. Anderson's! Did you know that today is Pi day (3/14)? You should make a Pie! Yeah for Kenzie and Kindergarten!