Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Deja Vu

Some of you might remember an experience we had with food coloring a few years ago. Well, those who don't remember...all over the carpet, the couch, the was a disaster. Of course, not to be out done, Jayden decided to repeat this awesome experience for us this morning. ALL OVER THE COUNTER, the cabinet and the floor. Purple seemed to be the dominant color this time...AWESOME! It took me a while to clean it up and Jayden mykenzie was sufficiently late to ballet class today. I didn't take a very good picture, because i didn't want it to sit for too much longer on the porous surfaces...
the "artist"
So many people laughed at us when we bought our Kirby, but I can't even tell you how many times that little "sucker" has saved our hides...yet again, Kirby to teh rescue...this stuff is awesome. it cleaned the stubborn purple stuff of the counter and the nasty blue off the cabinets. You can hardly tell Jayden was ever there!

For those

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