Friday, April 3, 2009

Bigger Plate

Mykenzie LOVES rice. In fact, we sometimes call her the rice queen. She can consume more rice than I can. She loves it. Last night we had rice with our dinner. I had to take this picture of mykenzie and her rice. I said something about her rice being all over the table...she said, "Mom, I just need a bigger plate!"


klap said...

talk about easy to please...

klap said...

ps have you taught her the trick about eating it for breakfast too? I'm guessing she might not go for that, though...

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of countries she can serve in on her mission where she'll fit right in!!!

klap said...

we are STILL waiting for your confession!!

Nikki said...

i hope you like disappointment, my dear Katy!