I remember the day he was born...there were so many other people in labor that the only room they had for us was a small corner room with a broken air conditioner. The sun was shining right into the window in there and it was HOT!!! They finally found a fan and brought that in, but it was still quite warm. The doctor that delivered Jayden was like my FAVORITE OB ever! He was so funny. We set up a "plan" so that he could induce me that day without actually having to "induce" me. He stripped my membranes and told me to go to the hospital in a few hours and tell them I was in labor (even though I wasn't). He was all about me not having to feel any contractions, so the epidural was put in as soon as I got there...only it didn't work and they had to do it again. I remember after he was born, Chris was holding Jayden and the dr was just finishing up. The doctor stopped and just looked at Chris holding Jayden. The look on his face totally explained why he did what he did.
We are so blessed to have Jayden in our home...with all his emotions. You've never met a kid with a bigger smile...and we LOVE that smile!