Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Where oh, where have we been?

SICK! That's where we've been. Jayden's had a temperature--maxing out at 103.8! Yes, that is high. It finally broke last night and he is resting up for a rambunctious day tomorrow. After seeing him sluggish, unable to get the energy to eat, it is a welcomed turn around. We missed his messes and interesting's good to have him back!
Mykenzie on the other hand, is still on the mend with a wicked cough...that RSV did something awful to her when she was 6 months old. She never has quite recovered and every time she gets a cold it sounds like she's coughing up a lung.

OK, so answer me this...what is it about doctors that make all the symptoms disappear? So Jayden was having a high fever and really lethargic (nice word, huh). I was worried about it, so I called the dr. We set an appointment for 3:30. I make Mykenzie get dressed (she loved that) and called to get Jaxon dismissed a few minutes early from school. I got Jayden up to get at least a shirt on and all of the sudden, his temperature drops and he's laughing and playing! So we cancelled that doctor's appointment. A few hours later was when he hit his max temperature for the duration. WHY IS THAT?

1 comment:

CMHill said...

That is one high temp! I'm glad he's better.