Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Prodigal Has Returned

It has been a REALLY long time since I've seen this on a pair of pants that actually fit me! After I had Jaxon I just assumed that that post-pregnancy size I was was just my "reward" for having kids. So, I never really did much about it...until I was pregnant with Jayden and the numbers on the scale were getting scary high. So I took up walking around the neighborhood..until I was put on bed rest and limited activity. But a while after he was born, I took to the early morning hours in Richmond like a woman on a mission, 'cause I was and my reward was that the weight slowly started coming off. That was motivation to work a little harder at it. I started working on controlling portion sizes as well as muscle building/toning exercises. When I was pregnant with Payton, I felt the best I'd ever felt in a pregnancy and was back to some sort of normal shortly after his birth. But I think the greatest feeling I've ever had in all of this was when I tried on a pair of pants "just to see" while Chris was getting new clothes for work and a size 6 fit ME!


jksfam said...

Awesome! I'm jealous! (But I'm slowly working on it, too. Don't think it will be a sz. 6 for me, though...)

Jim and Lisa said...

Yay! That must be nice to be so little!! :O)

Lisa Michelle said...

You go, Girl!! That's one of the best feelings in the world!! Not that I can relate to wearing a 6, but when those 8's are on, look out, world! It's a party in the USA! ;)

Anonymous said...

Great joc, Nicole!

klap said...