Thursday, March 25, 2010

Jayden's Bedroom

OK, so when betsy was here a few weeks ago, I decided it was time to do something with the kids rooms. We started with Mykenzie's because it was SOOO dark and not girly and not even kind of cute. For Christmas, the kids all got some new we started with that. Jayden's bedding was monsters (it is the cutest thing EVER). So we went with that theme. The colors of the wall are vivid turquoise and dewey green. I probably wouldn't have ever picked them out (betsy did) but they look AWESOME! They hurt the eyes to put them on with the other orange-y color that we had on before and it took a little getting used to, but I love it.

above is the back wall of his room. those are scrapbook paper of robots and gears and gadgets. they look really good on their with the monsters and aliens on the bed.

ok, so we had this big long wall with nothing on it, so i thought i'd pick a few of the monsters from the bedding and paint them on to poster board. I cut them out and convinced chris to help me make some frames for them. I LOVE the way they turned out!

here's a shelf we hung used to be in my room, but now it holds the smooshie and a picture or me and katy on my wedding day...gotta change the picture!
yeah, i'm kinda proud of myself for the monster thing

i made the curtains...they are nothin' special...just white on a plain curtain rod. took me forever, but jayden's room is officially DONE! and it came out SOOOOOO good. Thanks bets!


jksfam said...

Very cute! Great job on the monsters!

Unknown said...

i can't wait to see them next weekend!! they look awesome!