Friday, August 24, 2007

Water Problems

Water problems seem to be our lot....about three years ago we had a pipe burst and flooded the basement...we ended up having to replace a lot of ceiling sheetrock. Well, we replaced that got it all fixed and thought we were in the we are 3 years later....the same pipe got a leak and SOAKED the carpet in the basement. Chris pulled it up to air it out while we were gone to bear lake. He got out his trusty shop vac and our kirby (that has MORE than paid for itself) and sucked water out of the carpet and the pad for hours last saturday. the pipe has been fixed, but I'm nervous to even turn it on....
and as if that wasn't enough of a mess....earlier last week, chris went into the downstairs bathroom and saw a big bubble of water in the paint....turns out, the toilet in the bathroom above it was leaking...he had to replace the bolts that hold the tank to the seat....this picture is after it was halfway repaired. We had to cut off all the paint that was ruined and let it dry. then he bought some spray on texture and that is the white patch you see in this picture. we just have to paint it.....someday!


Karen said...

I'm so sorry! What a mess! There's always something to repair or replace isn't there? I can't believe Jaxon started school! He looks like he's been ready for quite some time though! cool!

jksfam said...

Don't you love being a homeowner! It looks like you had a lot of fun at Bear Lake, though.

Renee said...

lucky you!!

and nicole...LOVED IT!!! i'll try to bring it up when we come to visit sooner or later...........

Anonymous said...

:( about the water,
Jaxon is growing up!
We had so much fun on our visit!