Friday, October 5, 2007

Skeff's Visit

I have finally accomplished the task at hand! Here are the pictures and "details" of skeff's visit. For those of you who DON'T know. Melissa Skeffington and I were good friends in high school. We both played soccer and basketball and had almost ALL of the same classes. She came out the end of September for 4 days to visit. It rained the entire time she was here! I drove down to Salt Lake on Saturday to pick her up at the airport. She wasn't in the house five minutes and Mykenzie had her watching the 12 Dancing Princesses (Barbie movie) and having a tea party. That night we went to Caspers and called it a night early. Sunday we went to church and then just hung around until after dinner. Chris took us on an evening tour of Cache Valley. We had the Grand Tour of Richmond...went up to the gun range to see the view, went up cherry creek canyon and then drove down to Logan to see the temple all lit up and then up on the hill to overlook cache valley. Monday we were going to have a picnic at second dam, we got there and got was FREEZING cold, so we turned around and went to Chris' mom's for lunch. We drove back around the temple and up main street Logan and home. Skeff and I watched a movie while the kids took a much needed nap. That evening we went up to the gun range and shot a few clips with our .22 rifles. I think she liked shooting, especially chris' 50 round clip. (it's way fun!) The next morning mykenzie, jayden and i drove skeff back to the airport and she flew out. We went to meet cris at the hospital for lunch. (Thanks again, Cris, for lunch and a fun visit). the pictures:
second dam in the rain
jayden smiling
skeff and mykenzie watching a movie (barbie movie is my guess)
getting her hair "done"
cold picnic
dancing in rain puddles
jaxon eating
trying to keep warm
jayden stomping in the puddles

skeff shooting my gun
me and skeff with chris' gun
me and skeff with chri's gun (he took this picture first, but you couldn't see the whole gun, so he took the picture above this)
shooting at...actually nothing! Just posing with Chris' gun, cause it looks more dangerous!
And that was the visit. We had a great time...lots of late nights and early mornings, but we had a blast. The kids absolutely adored Skeff. We hope we didn't scare her too much and she comes again!


Anonymous said...

Mykeenzie looks like she can't get close enough.
Reports from here are that she had a great time.

Swoopref said...

OK...who allows gun shooting?