Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Do

Got a new do...like it?


Anonymous said...

you let Chris hold the scissors again, didn't you?!

Lisa Michelle said...

LOVE it. Very cute. I'm looking for a new do, too - thanks for the inspiration!

ellen said...

Cutest do in Richmond!

The Tanner Thompsons said...

you let jax take this picture... didn't you?!

CMHill said...

I think it looks nice. Way to go Payton and I like the hike. I think Dad's head is popping over the rock because he's afraid one of the kids is going to fall over the edge? Good luck with school tomorrow Jax!

Jim and Lisa said...

Very cute!

klap said...

so cute! I had the same thought as Lisa Michelle....I'm looking for a new one, too. I got it cut right before our MI reception, but she more or less just cut it...no style.