Thursday, September 11, 2008


You'll never believe what happened last night. Anyone who knows Mykenzie won't find this story in the least surprising. We had a "I told you so" moment last night. I bought this stool so the kids could reach the sink in the bathrooms. They all seem to think that it would be great to put it in the shower. I've told them and told them and told them not to do that. So last night I was finishing dinner while Mykenzie was supposed to be showering. I heard the water turn on, and then about 2 minutes later I heard a huge THUD and then Mykenzie's cry...if you've spent time around her you know the cry. I run to the bathroom and she has blood coming out of her chin. Sure enough, she fell off the stool and hit her head on the side of tub...split it right open. You could see the bone. NASY! Doesn't it seem like these things always happen on the most crazy and stressful nights. Chris had a few things he had to do and we were already late for supper. Chris took her in and I stayed home to get the kids dinner and ready for bed. Chris said she was so good. The nurse told her she was her best stitch patient EVER! They covered up her face to stitch her chin. She sat so still they thought she'd fallen asleep. Apparently she'd been talking to the nurses and doctor the whole time up until then. They checked and she was still awake. Then they asked her why she was so quiet and she said she didn't want to mess up the stitches. She was a good little patient. She did great.

So in summary:

THIS plus water
results in this (7 stitches)
and this!


Jim and Lisa said...

Oh my goodness!! I'm glad that's all that happened. That's a pretty bruise she's left with! Yikes!

The Tanner Thompsons said...

well shoot, look at your kids go! injury after injury... they got some talent

Swoopref said...