Wednesday, May 20, 2009


So this morning, things were going smoothly and everyone seemed to be under control. (Well, let's be honest, as much under control as things get in our sometimes crazy home.) Jaxon was getting ready for school, Mykenzie and Jayden and Payton had all eaten breakfast. They were just playing around upstairs, so I figured this was my perfect opportunity to take a shower (a better opportunity might not present itself for another few hours). So I hurried and showered. As I'm just getting out, I can faintly hear Jayden crying (not really so unusual in our home) and then mykenzie comes running in and says, "Jayden is bleeding EVERYWHERE. There's a lot of blood, mom!"So I wrap up in a towel and run into the kitchen. I see blood...kind of a lot of it and jayden sitting on the counter just crying with blood on both hands. Then he starts shaking his bloody hand all over (blood goes all over the kitchen). And I see on the counter beside him a popsicle still in the wrapper with a knife through it. So now I know what happened. He had cut his finger pretty bad. We contemplated the Instacare for stitches for a few minutes. It was bleeding badly and I couldn't get it to stop. We got a bandaid on it, but then it bled through the bandaid. It's not a very big cut, but it sure bled A LOT. Anyway...he seems to have survived and hopefully a little less comfortable with the kitchen knives when I'm not around!

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