Friday, June 6, 2008

Congrats, Chris

Every June, Chris has an annual review with his boss to discuss his performance--things he's doing well at, things that need improvement as well as wage adjustment as determined by his performance. Well, today was the day. They said they were very pleased with his work and his efforts. They appreciate all that he adds to the company. They are hoping to have him be a project manager in the next few years (that's a big deal). They took a look at his wages (which they bumped up last year) and determined that his performance warrants a larger wage. So, YAY for Chris. He is getting a raise next week. They will discuss the exact amount when it gets closer to pay day (as it wont increase until the next pay period!) We are SO proud of him and glad that Cartwrights took a chance on him with his lack of experience and have come to see what the rest of us knew all along!


Anonymous said...

The flag is up, Christopher!
We're so proud of you!
mil and dil

Jim and Lisa said...

Congratulations, Chris!! I'm glad they know a good thing when they see it!