Thursday, June 12, 2008

Guess Who's Gone Green?!

This is the CVTD slogan to get people to take the bus. And that's just the challenge Chris decided to take. With gas prices here right around $4.00 a gallon, he's figured that it costs him $4 a day to drive to and from work...and it's killing us! SO...on Monday he came home from work and said he was going to take the bus the next morning with the neighbor who works with him. He got up early, left the house around 7:00 a.m. and made it to work! He got home that night about 6:30. So, he's decided it so worth saving somewhere around $50 a month to take the bus 3 days a week. So far, so good. Plus, think of all the things he can get done during the commute :)


Anonymous said...

What a bright blog!!
Lots of people read a lot of books on their commutes!
Chris has a laptop, too. Maybe he can count each way as part of his work day?
Good for you!

Jim and Lisa said...

Very nice new blog...commute, so much fun. I wish I could save $50 more a month, it costs me more than $4 just going in to work!! I think we should tell the people here to do a free bus and metro system!!