Tuesday, August 24, 2010

He's 8!

Last Thursday was Jaxon's 8th Birthday! I still can't believe he's 8! The batteries were about to die, but we did get a few pictures and a video or two:
the RECON CS-6 in case you heard him mention it anytime in the last few months
Jaxon is not a big fan of cake or frosting, so he decided this year he wanted warm chocolate chip cookies and ice cream...
look it's an 8!
Happy Birthday, Jaxon!


Karen said...

Maybe you should do the math again, he can't already be 8! How did that happen?! Happy Birthday Jaxon!

Anonymous said...

clever cookie 8!
my blog won't let me see the video

"they're working on it" so they've said for MONTHS!!

klap said...

Happy Birthday Jax!! I like the cookie idea...