Thursday, February 8, 2007

What is up with this?

OK, so embarassing confession. I have been watching "Friends". I borrowed season one from Ashlee (of course after noting that she has all 10 seasons). I'm afraid to confess that I watched the entire first season in like 2 days. That will be two weeks ago tomorrow. I am currently on season 4. What can I say, I'm obsessed. I'll sit down to watch one episode while the kids are taking a "rest" and then an undisclosed amount of time later, i finally come to and realize I've been sitting there glued for quite a substantial amount of time. Anyway, I am trying to limit my "Friends" intake to a few episodes a day. However, last night, Chris had to work on some plans for our business late into the night, and what kind of loving, caring wife would I be if I just went to bed, so....we watched almost and entire disk about 8 episodes...but I was being supportive....RIGHT?!

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