Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mommy School

So Jayden gets to go to kindergarten this upcoming school year. In preparation for that, the kindergarten teacher has been hosting workshops at the school to help parents know how to get the kids ready. She give great ideas and also sent home a bag of things to practice with (a white board, marker, magnetic letters, rhyming books, number matching stuff, etc). So this last workshop was about numbers and math. So I took some of her ideas and used them at mommy school...that's what the kids call it when I try to teach jayden at home. Here he did some sorting and then....
organized some patterns by color and shape and even extended a pattern (he like the air head pattern better and was WAY more motivated to do that one than the blocks)
Also, we did writing in rice. In an attempt to help him recognize his numbers, he practiced writing them in the rice. It was a little messy, but he enjoyed it.
Got lots of other ideas to help him get ready for kindergarten...and until the end of august to accomplish them all!!!

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